Celine Joy Liclican ------ LA UNION

Thursday, October 4, 2012


La Union is a province of the Philippines located in the Ilocos Region or Region 1 in Luzon, whose capital is San Fernando.

La union is my province and I want you to know that my province is known as Surfing Capital here in the Philippines.There are lots of different tourist spot here like beautiful beach resorts and different activities like surfing and etc. For me having a beautiful province are not always having a beautiful things around us but also the people in our own provinces if the people have a good communication with there neighbors also they should also have a good and nice communication with the tourists that come.

For us Filipinos we should be proud of our own provinces because maybe that is the key so that are relationships with other countries get stronger because of the beautiful spots and a good and nice personaly of the people there


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